
Welcome to, where we celebrate our family members and the stories that make us who we are. Each profile is filled with videos, photos, and personal histories that capture the essence of our loved ones. Our family tree and genealogy section offers a rich historical background for each member, showcasing their unique place in our shared history. We're proud to share quick facts, video and audio stories, and our favorite pictures on each profile. Join us and discover the love and legacy that bind our family together.

First of all

What does 'talk story' mean?

Aloha family, I wanted to share with you the true meaning of 'Talkstory' in Pidgin. It's all about spending time together, chatting, and telling stories that connect us to our past, present, and future. It's a way to honor our cultural traditions and values, and to pass on our knowledge and experiences to the next generation. Whether we're sitting on the lanai or walking on the beach, 'Talkstory' is about sharing our lives with each other and celebrating the love and laughter that makes us family. So let's keep the 'Talkstory' going, and keep our family spirit alive and well!

Not to mention

Quick Facts and Video Stories

Get to know your family members better with our quick facts and video stories. Enjoy their favorite pictures, audio stories, and memories.

And let's not forget

Create Your Own Profile

Join Talkstory.Family and create your own profile, share your stories and connect with your family members from around the world.

About us

We are a family-owned website that is dedicated to preserving and sharing the stories of families from around the world. Our mission is to connect families and inspire them to share their stories, memories, and traditions with future generations.

Join Talkstory.Family today and discover your family's rich and fascinating history.

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